Rules of the road

Okay, first things first. Some ground rules.

  1. Every day I’ll put up a post detailing my food and exercise for the day, as well as my starting weight.
  2. I’ll weigh in every day, first thing in the morning.
  3. Everything gets written down. EVERYTHING. Those chocolate chip cookies that I just had to snack on? Yep, they get written down too.
  4. Every Friday, I’ll do a fitness news roundup from around the interwebs, just to get some general knowledge going.
  5. Every Wednesday, I’ll have something fun. A surprise!
  6. And every Monday will have a guilty pleasure to start the week. Maybe food, maybe music or a movie. Because everything in moderation is fantastic, but we all need just a little splurge once in a while, and scheduling it makes it easier to focus on everything else.

Alright, let’s hit it!